Keycards are used to access the pool. One keycard will be issued per household. The keycard may be be picked up by an adult member of the household with proper identification. Just a reminder – annual dues & any charges must be current to obtain your keycard or have access to the pool. Please see the pool bulletin board for additional information contact us.
Replacement keycard can be obtained for a $10.00 fee.
Harborview Homes Association POOL RULES:
- The pool is scheduled to open Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend. Normal Hours 9:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M.
- The pool area has an emergency phone system with direct access to 911.
- Pool is for Harborview homeowners and immediate family.
- Each Harborview household may have two (2) guests to the pool per day. Those guests may not live within a fifteen (15) mile radius of Harborview.
- Children under the age of fourteen (14) must be accompanied by a parent.
- No Glass containers, No Alcohol, No Smoking or Tobacco products
- No, foul language, running, roughhousing, or game playing that could result in physical injury. NO DIVING
- Rights to use the pool are terminated for a homeowner upon the closing of the sale of the home to a new owner.
- Failure to pay the assessed annual dues results in a termination of rights to use the pool facilities.
- Failure to be in compliance with the CC&Rs for the homeowner’s association results in a termination of rights to use the pool facilities.
- Use of the parking lot is permitted while using the Pool, Picnic and Playground areas.
All Clay County ordinances and additional rules posted at the pool outlining conduct while at the pool must be obeyed. The pool provides a source for recreation and enjoyment for all homeowners.
Each Homeowner has the right and responsibility to assist in the enforcement of the pool rules.
Failure to abide by the Rules set forth may result in the termination of the homeowner’s pool privileges for the remainder of the season.
Harborview Board of Directors